My Favorite Quotes

"Hate is baggage. Life’s too short to be pissed off all the time. It’s just not worth it."

- American History X

“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic cords of memory will swell when again touched as surely they will be by the better angels of our nature.”

-Abraham Lincoln

Reflection Essay

I have taken several classes at SUNY Farmingdale and even at New York Institute of Technology. Every class has taught me new things. Some of these classes have been a lot of fun and other classes like physics and statistics have made me go crazy over the confusing formulas and math problems! Even when I took English 101 I felt that it writing and reading is something that is not in me. I found it extremely boring and unnecessary.

When I signed up for English 102 the first thought that came to my mind was, “I cannot believe I have to do this one more time!” I have never been a fan or reading stories and especially poems. To my surprise, the very first day of class I got interested in the story. Having a professor that has the proper knowledge and shares common interests with his/her students can make all the difference. I still don’t clearly understand some of the things we read but I still look forward to getting to class and finding out deeper meanings of the story or poem.

I’m sure you may have already noticed that I am not the best writer in the world after readying the essays that I have posted. My writing was actually far worse than what you see. Being able to revise my papers once after it has been graded helped me realize what I need to change to improve my writing. I was completely disinterested in writing papers because I knew I was not good at it. I never even let anyone read my papers because of this. But after learning the material from this class I have more confidence in writing papers and I have started to enjoy it too.

Like many other males, I always felt poems couldn’t be made fun no matter how you rhyme it or how deep of a meaning it may have. This was complete a misconception on my part. After realizing in a class discussion that even the famous artists of today like Eminem and 50 cent use poetry to make their songs, I found myself trying to create my own rhymes. Through this class I learned that poems are a good way of passing on any kind of message and emotion and above all, it is meant to read by males just as much as females.

I would rank the experience I had in this class as one of my top 5. This class made me think about new ideas and it helped me view my life from a different perspective. It showed me a side of me that even I did not know ever existed. I have friends taking the same class with a different professor and are having the worse time of their lives. This means that having the right professor can make all the difference. Having to make your own blog as a final assignment? I never thought that would be a part of my English final! It was a good experience and my class mates only made it that much more fun and interesting with their deep thoughts and ideas.

1 comment:

  1. so how many more sides do you have to your amazing personality??
